When the Principal’s Dress Code Goes Horribly, Horribly Wrong

A lot of people ask me, “What would it look like, exactly, if you became a middle-aged cranky principal at an all-girls school who was obsessed with the dress code? And also, on top of that, you had some kind of weird fetish for evil clown monsters.”


My friend Diana Chan wrote up a great sketch of exactly that! It’s one of many high-quality, industrial strength comedy pieces put out by my sketch team 17:38, and all of the other fine teams in Boogiemanja.

I don’t think I’ll age into this guy, though. I think it’s much more likely I’ll either turn into a sort of Doc Brown character minus the technical wizardry, or I’ll just give into my many eccentricities and morph into a Victorian Scotsman who leaps around in plaid and velvet. We can only hope.