Upwingers Fighting Downwingers
Dr. Steve Fuller of Warwick University says the meaningful split in society is not Leftwing vs. Rightwing, but rather Upwing vs. Downwing. Both have radically different attitudes to both risk and human nature, which informs their policy decisions and the direction they want to steer society.
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Dr. Fuller’s book at: www.mightyheaton.com/featured
Referenced in the show today:
TPO: “Was Abraham Lincoln Leftwing or Rightwing?” https://politicalorphanage.libsyn.com/hyrum-lewis
“Transcenant Man” – Documentary by Ray Kurzweill about the Singularity https://www.amazon.co.uk/Transcendent-Man-Ray-Kurzweil/dp/B016V7WCLA
ATA: The Bioethics of Gattica – Discussed on Alienating the Audience https://alienating.libsyn.com/gattaca
ATA: How Cryonics Works – Interview on Alienating the Audience https://alienating.libsyn.com/we-can-freeze-you-how-cryonics-works