A New “Smart Beer” Contains a Microchip in the Glass
An Israeli tech company called Glassify has invented a pint glass with a microchip in it. From what I can tell they’re basically looking to extend the idea of frequent flyer miles to drinking. Patrons can scan each glass of beer they guzzle, which then accrues points and presumably coupons or a free beer in the future, sort of like Starbucks rewards. That might sound silly, but this is a portent of things to come. Ten years from now there will be microchips in everything. Including beer steins. The ramifications are interesting. For example, if that data existed now, several scotch distilleries would try to get me knighted instead of that stupid penguin, what with me putting their kids through college. Or, for kicks, you could see how many elephants you’d be able to drown if you added up all the beer you’ve consumed at your local watering whole. In the future your smartphone might ping a pub’s wifi as you walk in, and the bartender will see a little pie chart pop up detailing your booze preferences. That’s great news for craft beer, and also for your doctor. Not so sure about how it will effect health insurance.
Learn More: A New “Smart Beer” Contains a Microchip in the Glass