Pakistan’s Largest City to be Run by Imprisoned Mayor
Karachi is Pakistan’s largest city, and the guy it’s about to elect ran afoul of the military regime which runs the country. So he’ll be democratically elected as mayor, but will do so from prison, where he’s serving a sentence for any number of charges. To put this in perspective, Karachi has twenty million people. (That’s basically the state of Florida, only with better drivers.) So a massive staff will have to visit Karachi central prison on a daily basis in order to work with their municipal leader, who they are hoping to arrange an office for.
I don’t know much about Waseem Akhtar or whether or not he deserves to be imprisoned. But it does seem to me that replicating this maneuver would save the state of Illinois a whole lot of time moving forward based on its previous track record.
Learn More: Pakistan’s Largest City to be Run by Imprisoned Mayor