Is Kim Kardashian Advertising or Not?
Apparently there is growing concern at the Federal Trade Commission about celebrities promoting goods and services via social media. If Kim Kardashian receives comped nights at a tony Airbnb apartment, and Instagrams how great the company is, should she include #ad to let hapless consumers know her torrent of social media may be self-interested? It’s a situation which is growing more common, and is causing some problems at federal watchdog groups. Can I say what we’re all thinking here? If you’re making serious financial decisions based on Kim Kardashian’s personal whims, you deserve to be screwed. I don’t normally wish poverty on entire swaths of people, but it is not the role of the government to protect idiots from celebrity advertising. Maybe if Kim Kardashian “just happened to like Lipitore,” or started tweeting about experimental anti-cancer medications, we could talk about regulating her spout of media as a public health hazard. But until then, this doesn’t strike me as a problem which needs much solving.
Learn More: Is Kim Kardashian Advertising or Not?