Man Arrested for Trying to Ride a Manatee BlogGuest UserSeptember 22, 2016funny article, manatee, news
Scientists Teleport a Photon Six Kilometers BlogGuest UserSeptember 20, 2016funny article, news, andrew heaton, comedy, science, photon
Apparently Dolphins Can Actually Talk BlogGuest UserSeptember 15, 2016funny article, news, dolphins, animals
Bank of America Analysts Say we May Be Living in a Computer Simulation BlogGuest UserSeptember 14, 2016funny article, news, bank, video games, simulation, reality, computer
A Dozen Eggs Cost $150 in (Socialist) Venezuela BlogGuest UserSeptember 13, 2016economics, inflation, socialism, venezuela, funny article, news, bernie sanders, taxes, welfare
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Italy’s Supreme Court Rules Public Masturbation is Not a Crime Guest UserSeptember 6, 2016italy, law, supreme court, europe, news, funny news, news article, funny article
IBM’s Watson Makes An Automated Film Trailer Guest UserSeptember 1, 2016film, robots, Watson, funny article
There Will Be Self-Driving Apartments Guest UserAugust 31, 2016technology, self driving apartments, funny news, funny article, news
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