Scientists Teleport a Photon Six Kilometers
We now must ask ourselves: if scientists can teleport stuff in kilometers, could they someday teleport stuff in miles? There’s no way of knowing, but my gut tells me: yes. Also apparently in physics there’s a term called “spooky action at a distance” (I’m guessing they let somebody’s intern name that one) which yields all sorts of weird ramifications. As I understand it, some quantum particles are linked up with other quantum particles, and they maintain their relationship regardless of distance between them. So what’s that mean? As near as I can tell, if we could shoot over one of those particles to another planet, and manipulate it through our corresponding particle on this one, we could instantaneously communicate over unfathomable distances.
In case you’re curious, yes: I am writing a science fiction novel predicated on this
Learn More: Scientists Teleport a Photon Six Kilometers